Disavow tools

I always request to you that focus on quality backlinks. If you have some bad backlinks pointing to your site, then you should remove these backlinks asap. But, now question arises how do you find or identify the bad links? Backlinks which are coming from-
  • very new domains
  • pages with a big number of outbound links
  • Any sites which is penalized by Google
  • PR-n/a or PR0 sites
  • domains with little traffic
  • Different niche
If you find these types in your webmaster tool, you should remove them.
You can ask Google not to count these links when assessing your website. This is very advanced feature offered by Google but it should be used with caution. If you will use this feature incorrectly, then it will harm the performance of your website in SERP.  Disavow only those links which can harm your site’s performance. 

Disavow Backlinks

First of all you have to download all the links to your site then identify bad links among all links and create a .txt file containing only bad links.

Download links 

Select the site from the Webmaster Tools home page.
Click on Search Traffic and then choose Links to Your Site. Download a file which contains all the links pointing to your website.  Now, create a notepad file of badlinks- one link in one line. Make sure that file type should be .txt and encoding system should be UTF-8. If you want to disavow entire domain then use domain: site url. Suppose you want to disavow xyz.com then write domain: xyz.com in your file. If you want to add some comment then you can use "#", all lines beginning with # will be ignored. 


Here's a sample of a valid file:
# Site xyz.com did not remove all links
http://spam. xyz.com/comments.html
http://spam. xyz.com/paid-links.html
# Try to contact the admin of paidseo.com but did not get any response
domain: paidseo.com (it will disavow whole domain)
Line 1 and 2 of the file will disavow only mentioned links but line 3 starting from domain will disavow whole domain.

Upload process       
1.      Go to the disavow tool from Google.
2.    Choose your website.
3.    Click on Disavow links.
4.    Upload file

Note: Adding or uploading a new file will replace all previously uploaded files for the disavow.

These links will still show in the WMT link portion.
If you have any questions then feel free to ask me through FaceBook, Twitter and Google+. Kindly share this post at social media such as FB, twitter and Google+. 

Thanks & Regards,
   Seo Blow Team

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