On Page SEO
I already discussed what is SEO in my previous post. Now I am focusing one of the major types of SEO- On page SEO.
On page SEO refers to the activities which are performed by you through coding on the website or webpage. There are some On page SEO checklist. Every person should implement it to get the ranking in the search engine.
1.     Content is king which plays a major role in the SEO. You have to write the quality and engaging content for the website which should be unique. Content should not be copied from other sites.  Main keyword should come in the first line of the first paragraph and in the last line of the last paragraph.
2.    Title must contain the keywords. Title tag plays a very major role in the field of SEO. The length of the title should not be more than 80 chars including spaces.  Write a unique description for all pages that clearly define about that page. The standard size of the description part is about 150 chars including spaces. Place title, description, and keywords between <head> and </head> tag.
3.   Some features such as JavaScript, cookies, DHTML, or Flash creates trouble  for search engine bots in crawling your site.
4.   There are six types of heading tag- H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6. H1 is most important and H6 is least important. Make sure that one heading tag should not be used more than once in a page.  Do not stuff the keywords in the heading tag.
5.    Properly analyze the keyword for your websites. I prefer Google Keyword Planner for the keyword analysis.
6.    Distance between keywords should be same throughout the content. It is known as keyword proximity. Keyword density should not be more than 2 % of the total words. Don’t try to focus more than 3-4 keywords on one page.
7.    Text to html ratio should be greater than 15 %. Best range for the text to html ratio is 20- 70 %.
8.   Internal linking should not be more than 3-4 per page.
9.    Url should be chosen with some basic keywords. Breadcrumb url structure should be present in a website. 
10. Image name should be present for each image. Alt attribute should be present. All the images should be in the folder named “images”. 
So, these are the main steps you should follow for the on page SEO. If you know more then please mention in comment. 

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Thanks & Regards,
 SEO Blow Team

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